Thursday, January 6, 2011

same high?

i realise i lose my temper realy easy nowadays. i tried to control as much as i can, when i start to get really pissed. ahh don't care.

so for the 3 paper that i took during common tests, i failed 1 and pass 2. wasn't really what i expected. i thought i'd fail all. hhaha cause i had doubts on all the questions that i attempted. but yknow~ turns out my last minute studying paid off. GOODED AH!

for the past few days, i've been trying to create the superhero that just rose from nowhere and many comics industries has been showing much intrigue in it. i've received calls from many publishers but i turned them all down because idk how to draw the costume and all. i gotta at least come up with a costume for CAPTAIN AWESOME, then i'll consider publishing my comic books. hahahahahaa. k talking nonsense.

i'm gonna go jamming this coming sunday. OHMAN! it's been so long since i last jammed like a mofo-ing butter knife. i hope everything turns out well. the end bye

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