Wednesday, December 14, 2011


3rd week of this not very exciting period of my life. Whenever i look at myself, i feel depressed. So damn depressed. Office work sucks. Unless you're doing something you like. Ok actually office work doesn't suck. It's just that i don't talk to the people there. They're all older than me at least by like 5 years?

K enough of work.

Things have been messing with my head. No wait, it should be.. A certain thing is messing with my head. I can't help it. It just comes in and everything in my brain is infected. And then the heart will slowly grow holes and stuff that makes me feel like crying, sink my fist into something, makes me flex my whole body for like more than 5 seconds. I'm sorry. But i can't help but to at least spell out my thoughts. Here.

1 comment:

cheokkk said...

If got anything bothering you, can share with me one. Chill bro.